Amazing party last night at universal. Ride times varied from 5 minutes to 60 minutes. It was good to see the park in the dark, Microsoft had done a great job of project their logo everywhere adding additional lights to set the scene. There were DJs playing live music at various sports throughout the park and quite a few characters out. Around the park there were drink stations handing out soft drinks and alcohol. What really was amazing though is that all the food and drink stalls and restaurants were open on an all you could eat / drink basis. All the stalls that usually sell a slice of pizza for $8 or a churro for $5 you could go up to them and not pay a thing, go and sit down in a dinner and order a meal, drink as much butter beer as you wanted. Amazing.
Today is the last day of the conference, session run until lunch and then people start to disappear to catch flights back home. Just a couple of short sessions to attend today.
Managing Apps with Intune
Intune supports IOS,
android and windows
Works with enrolled
and non enrolled devices
Intune admin console
Can add line of
business apps to library
Choose an
applications e.g. .apk for android, apple apps can be pulled direct from store
Add app description
and publish
Available - user
goes to company portal and can see list of apps
Required - auto
installs on users devices
Uninstall -
Not applicable -
device / users do not see the app to be installed
Can also decide if
apps should be available to MDM (mobile device management) devices or BYOD (non
enrolled) devices
MDM can also
provision apps as part of the install such as configuring an email app on
install. One drive can be provisioned
with locked down settings.
Managed browser - a
browser that lets you lock down things like copy and paste, pre-provision allow
/ block list, homepage, bookmarks
Also remaps internal
web pages to be accessible external via a proxy
Can configure apps
so that they only use manged browser so for example somone emails you on your
phone with an internal url. You click on the link, it fires up the managed
browser and the internal web page is displayed via the proxy
Microsoft will try and host all meetings in teams
Use Teams for all Team communication rather than email
Things that drive growth
Mobile app usage
File sharing, put the files into teams so people go to teams for the data
with mobile app people are seeing employees keeping in touch in the evenings
Integration with SharePoint online coming, can already add another doc library in a tab but news connectort and pages coming soon
Federation and Guest Access - chatting with 3rd parties is coming, guests can added to the team from external, currently Microsoft live ID but they are looking at allowing other accounts to authenticate such as google etc
Change management Team is a good example - share the changes via teams and discuss in teams
reduce the password load on users, having to create them and re-enter passwords multiple times during the day
Replacement method cannot be breached, phised or cracked
Develop a replacment
passwords are portable and backward compatible
Reduce user visible password surface area
Windows hello for business can pass through authentication to apps that support single sign on
This can be backed up with two factor authentication such as using the Microsoft authenticator app on your phone
Microsoft will try and host all meetings in teams
Use Teams for all Team communication rather than email
Things that drive growth
Mobile app usage
File sharing, put the files into teams so people go to teams for the data
with mobile app people are seeing employees keeping in touch in the evenings
Integration with SharePoint online coming, can already add another doc library in a tab but news connectort and pages coming soon
Federation and Guest Access - chatting with 3rd parties is coming, guests can added to the team from external, currently Microsoft live ID but they are looking at allowing other accounts to authenticate such as google etc
Change management Team is a good example - share the changes via teams and discuss in teams
reduce the password load on users, having to create them and re-enter passwords multiple times during the dayReplacement method cannot be breached, phised or cracked
Develop a replacment
passwords are portable and backward compatible
Reduce user visible password surface area
Windows hello for business can pass through authentication to apps that support single sign on
This can be backed up with two factor authentication such as using the Microsoft authenticator app on your phone
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